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  • Facts on Ethiopia
    Interesting facts on Ethiopia, its cities, peoples, culture, history, languages, climate, currency, different times, in fact everything Ethiopia.

  • Facts on Ethiopia II
    Travel facts on Ethiopia, Visa & Insurance requirements, accommodation, food, tipping, health care, medical services, in all about travel in Ethiopia.

  • Facts on Ethiopia III
    Travel facts on Ethiopia, dress code, recommended clothing, transport, electrical supplies and communications whilst travelling in Ethiopia.

  • Ethiopia Travel Blog
    Personal day to day experiences of travel and life in Ethiopia.

  • Location Map Of Ethiopia
    Crossed by deep breathtaking gorges, crowned by magnificent mountains, studded with beautiful lakes and majestic rivers, surrounded by sweltering deserts, Ethiopia is a land of indescribable beauty

  • Exotic Vacation Spots of Ethiopia
    We provide excellent exotic vacation packages to the magnificent and spectacular exotic vacation spots of Ethiopia.

  • Choosing a Tour
    Featuring a short video tour of Ethiopia and brochures covering the type of tours available from Highway Tours

  • An Ethiopian Tour - the Experience of a Lifetime
    Experience an Ethiopian Tour, be astonished by the spectacle of Lake Tana, the Blue Nile Falls, Gondar, the Simien Mountains and the church at Tigray.

  • Unique Family Vacations to Ethiopia’s Most Colorful Attractions
    A spectacular destination for unique family vacations is the wild, undisturbed, little visited Omo valley, home to exotic wild life and remarkable peoples.

  • Fun Summer Vacations
    If you want great Fun Summer Vacations then one destination that will surprise and amaze you is Ethiopia, a land of unsurpassed natural beauty.

  • Ethiopia Tour
    At Highway Tours we provide ethiopia tour packages to the spectacular and grand attractions of Ethiopia.

  • Adventure Custom Family Vacation
    We provide tour packages for an adventure custom family vacation to the astonishing Blue Nile Falls, the Simien Mountains, Gondar and more.

  • Last Minute Family Vacation
    On our last minute family vacation package you will see a wide range of wild life from the high peaks and semitropical forest to salt lakes and desert.

  • Ethiopia Bird Watching Holidays for Species that Exist Nowhere Else
    With an Ethiopia Bird Watching Holidays package you may find yourself spoiled for choice with over 830 recorded species and 23 species found nowhere else in the world.

  • Experience the Spirit of Ethiopia Through Sporting Events
    If you want a real life experience what better way than to join in the fun at an event attended by ordinary Ethiopians.

  • Highway Tours - The Ultimate Family Vacation Adventure
    I have a profound joy and pleasure to bring you the ultimate family vacation adventure in the amazingly original, pure untouched attractions of Ethiopia.

  • Responsible Tourism Policy
    Highway Tours is a small tour and travel company providing the ultimate holiday service to Ethiopia's historic, cultural, nature, and wildlife destinations.

  • Travelers Conduct
    By observing our code you can help protect the environment, reduce pollution and preserve cultural and social heritages for future generations.

  • Travel Resources