
Ethiopian tour in depth

Explore forgoten civilizations in the mystical world of Aksum, Lalibela and more

On our last minute family vacation package you will see a wide range of wild life from the high peaks and semitropical forest to salt lakes and desert.
Ethiopia is the habitat for at least 242 mammal species in which no less than 28 are endemic. The endemism is existent among other creatures too; like in amphibians, birds, reptiles, insects and even fish.

Perhaps you will see some of our endemic mammals like the Swayne’s Hartebeest, Menelik’s Bushbuck, the Mountain Nyala, the very rare African wild ass, the Walia Ibex, the famous Ethiopian Wolf and the Gelada Baboon.

Take our last minute family vacation to the historic sites, on a route that will take you to the northern part of Ethiopia for a lasting and memorable experience. Your journey to the north begins with Debre Libanos, a monastery and one of the most holy sites, founded in the 13th century. We then proceed to the magnificent and spectacular view of the endless Blue Nile Gorge.

Ethiopia’s most attractive town Bahirdar is a central location for tourism, with its resorts and a colorful market. Lake Tana-the largest lake in Ethiopia is the source of the Blue Nile, with many islands and monasteries. The Blue Nile all make the city an attractive and beautiful centre for a last minute family vacation –

Your tour could also take in Gondar, the 17th century capital of Ethiopia. Famous for its many medieval castles and the design and decoration of its churches. You can also visit the royal castle compound, bath of King Fasiledes, Debre-Birhan Selassie monastery, and Kusquam monastery.

Continuing onward, we take you to Yeha, Axum and Debre-Damo to the sacred centers of Ethiopians. Yeha an 8th century BC is known as Ethiopia’s first capital. Axum is renowned for its cathedral of St. Mary of Zion.

Axum, according to the legend, it is the house of the original Ark of the Covenant also famous for its seven mysterious monolithic Stelae hewn from single pieces of solid granite. This unique unforgettable package includes the remote and beautiful monastery of Debre Damo. Situated on a cliff top in one of the wildest parts of Tigray, it offers panoramic views over the surrounding country side.

The northern package of the last minute family vacation ends to the country’s most mysterious and magnificent site Lalibela. The architecturally unique monolithic and semi monolithic buildings with their decorations and fascinating rock paintings all are beyond ones imagination.

Highway Tours also provides culture tours as part of it its last minute family vacation. Where you can visit the Chencha and Dorze people, experience the culture, costumes and their typical bee-hive shaped huts. Other possible destinations are Netch Sar national Park, Lakes Tchamo and Abaya.

The tribal groups of Tsemay, Ari, Bena, Mursi and the Karo people all give the visitor lasting impressions and unique memories of Ethiopia.

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