
Ethiopia summer vacations

Explore Ethiopia’s endemic wildlife, unique culture, ancient civilization, beautiful nature

If you want great Fun Summer Vacations then one destination that will surprise and amaze you is Ethiopia, a land of unsurpassed natural beauty.
On route to the eastern part of Ethiopia you will encounter Debrezeit, lying within a circle of five crater lakes. It is a popular weekend resort and spot for those people wanting fun summer vacations with a difference.

A Fun Summer Vacations tour could also take you to Wabe-Shebele or Bekele Mola hotels beach and camping grounds. There you will enjoy the soft waters of Langano set against the blue back drop of the Arsi Mountains soaring to over 4,000 meters.

This is the ideal place for the nature lover, the sportsman and sun lover. Here you can water-ski, sail, swim or bask in the blazing sun on the sloppy sandy beach.

You will also enjoy the European food served in the hotel restaurants. The tilapia is good and cooked freshly caught fish over the campfire and eaten whilst watching the sunset has its own special appeal.

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Take a break and enjoy fruit juices, refreshing drinks of papayas, orange, strawberry and grape juice, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Then drive to and view the shallow lake Chalaklaka, formed by the rains and which periodically is the feeding ground for around 100,000 flamingoes.

Take a boat across the majestic Lake Zewai which spans a massive 450 sq km and where you can stop to explore several islands that dot the surface along your way.

Another spot for fun summer vacations is Lake Langano, where on a stopover you can explore the Shala and Abyata National park. Here you will also see the greatest congregation of birds and an exceptional view of this remarkable terrain.

If you thrill to the sight and sounds of colorful birds then there is a profusion of bird life here. The bright yellow masked weaver, the red-rumped buffalo weaver, red-billed hornbill, African fish eagle, etc. The woods teem with flashes of bright color and resound with birdsong.

A vast profusion of ducks, geese, coots, waders, shore birds of every kind mingle with flamingo and pelican at the water’s edge. You will enjoy this lake in which the water has a peculiar alkaline flavor and an atmosphere of untouched natural beauty and a splendid variety of shoreline bird life.

Your summer vacation would not be complete without viewing the amazing spectacle of thousands of flamingos creating pink carpets in the blue bays of the lake.

All this while great white pelicans soar from lake Shala to enjoy the fishing and execute their fantastic aerial ballet. Then there are the pied king fishers that hover and dive, the fish eagles that protect their territory with their eerie cry whilst cormorants and darters fill the dead acacia trees creating strange silhouettes and beautiful shapes against the setting sun.

No Fun Summer Vacations tour would be complete without you heading to Wondogenet. This is a resort situated in gardens of citrus, palm and pine with a magnificent view from the terrace over the rift valley.

Here you can relax and bath in the natural hot springs or a small hot pool which lie a few meters from the sound of a clear rushing mountain stream.
You can also explore and enjoy walking up the valley or into the surrounding forest which has spectacular views and offers once again a chance to observe the abundant bird life. The indigenous forest is also home to the beautiful Colobus monkey.

The lodge provides comfortable modern accommodation, the food is excellent and especially recommended is the Sunday buffet lunch, to round off an unforgettable trip. Click here for a Tour Brochure

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